Age BIG designs and delivers in-person and online educational and recreational programs for folks aged 60+. We focus on brain, body and social fitness. We believe that aging can be done BIG – Boldly, Inquisitively and Gratefully, with a little help from our friends.
Join our movement and think, act and age BIG. We all age – do it BIG!
Our in-person Thunder Bay classes include:
Ageless Grace®
DATES: Thursdays - Oct 20 to Nov 24, 2022 (6 weeks)
TIME: 1pm - 2pm
DESCRIPTION: This seated fitness program features music to groove to and moves that work the brain and the body! Engage the power of play and laughter for all-over wellness.
LOCATION: Giant Gymnastics, 512 Marks St. South (Former FWCI gymnasium)
COST: $49
INSTRUCTOR: Nancy Angus, certified Ageless Grace® instructor
REGISTRATION: Call 807-627-3564, contact or visit
Quizzical Fitness with Jeopardy! Champ & Quizmaster Karen
DATES: Tuesdays - Oct 18 to Nov 15, 2022 (5 weeks)
TIME: 10am - 11am
DESCRIPTION: Join friends for fun quiz games led by Thunder Bay’s own Jeopardy! champ Karen, and Nancy from Age BIG. Learn a little and laugh a lot! (Buzzers not provided!)
LOCATION: West Thunder Community Centre, 915 Edward Street South
COST: $49
INSTRUCTOR: Karen Skochinski (Jeopardy! Champion, July 1999) and Nancy Angus
REGISTRATION: Call 807-627-3564, contact or visit
Age BIG's Fashion Friday
DATE: Friday, October 7, 2022
TIME: 10am-Noon
DESCRIPTION: Proving that a little fashion lesson provides BIG results, join us for this workshop on how to build a simple wardrobe with 25 pieces (or less) that can save you money and precious closet space.
LOCATION: West Thunder Community Centre, 915 Edward Street South
COST: $49
REGISTRATION: Call 807-627-3564, contact or visit
Our online offerings include:
Age BIG @ Home: The Cozy Couch Community
We'll be back in 2023!
DESCRIPTION: Join us from your couch for this energizer that brings folks from all over Ontario to learn from each other and from experts on a variety of topics, including food, fashion, fitness and friendships!
LOCATION: ONLINE, with dates to be announced in 2023
COST: $49
REGISTRATION: Call 807-627-3564, contact or visit
Aging in Place Series #1: The Kitchen
Date: TBA Location: ONLINE
DESCRIPTION: Join us for a primer on how to adapt and edit your kitchen for safety, comfort and beauty. We’ll provide budgets, examples, and a checklist for working with handypersons.
Contact us to express your interest. Call 807-627-3564, contact or visit
Aging in Place Series #2: The Bathroom
Date: TBA Location: ONLINE
DESCRIPTION: Join us to talk about bathrooms. We all need them and there are ways to make them more functional and safer. We’ll provide examples for a variety of budgets and we’ll feature
Contact us to express your interest. Call 807-627-3564, contact or visit
Aging in Place Series #3: The Bedroom
Date: TBA Location: ONLINE
DESCRIPTION: Does your bedroom need an update? Would you sleep better at night knowing that your bedroom space is safe, comfortable, beautiful and restful? Join us for this dive into the design of your bedroom and the small (or large) changes you can make to sleep more soundly.
Contact us to express your interest. Call 807-627-3564, contact or visit