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I'm Nancy Angus.

I founded Age BIG in 2019. I believe everyone should age BIG -        

Boldly, Inquisitively, Gratefully. 


Our Sis Squad team gathers and shares stories from older adults.  We create "meaning-filled" events to educate and enable aging-at-home. Age BIG focuses on fun, play and community in all we do!

We all age. Do it BIG!

Our BIG approach:

  • facilitate social connection, engagement, and friendship through a hybrid model of online and in-person gatherings with folks 60+.

  • work with and for seniors, in developing events, programs, and services that align with your needs, values, and interests.


Let Nancy tell you more about Age BIG and what we have to offer!

Age BIG services are offered one-on-one and in groups,
both online and in-person.

 Latest News + Updates: 

BIG Stories! 

Thank you to everyone for attending our BIG Stories event at SilverCity Cinema! Do you want to see the films by our 18 storytellers again? Here are the links to the films and the educational toolkits:


Contact Nancy at Age BIG if you want to know more about our storytelling projects.

Join us for Stories to Spare, a tribute to the writings of Brian Spare, PhD. Saturday, June 22, 2 to 4 pm, Mary J. L. Black Library, 901 S. Edward Street.

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Age BIG and the Thunder Bay Museum collaborated on a digital storytelling workshop called PLACES & FACES: A Gathering of Older Adults' Digital Stories of Connecting, Belonging and Placemaking.  Eight older adults wrote, voiced and produced digital video stories about the places that matter to them.  Many of their stories focused on the places that made a difference to them during the pandemic. Well done, everyone! 

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Contact Age BIG us if you would like us to host a QUIZ afternoon or evening. Great for a fundraiser or "fun-raiser"!  We may bring our own Jeopardy! Champ, Karen, as Host!


Check out Nancy on the webcast TV show, "Ageless Grace® TV - Living a Graceful Life," with Denise Medved, Founder of Ageless Grace®. 

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Ageless Grace®, a seated fitness program to get you moving and grooving, is back!  We've been hosting programs for both in-person and online groups.  Give us a call if you're keen to find out more, OR better yet, to move with us!

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Thanks to all of you who nominated a beautiful 80+ year old for our First BIG Bouquet Give-away! It was a day that our delivery team, made up of Auralea Michaud from Seeds of Joy Backyard Flower Farm, Melissa Dafoe of lissalaine photography and Nancy from Age BIG, won't forget!

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Age BIG @ Home is our innovative project that links people 60+ from across Ontario to others via Zoom technology. Let us show you how easy it is to connect, and how rewarding it can be to see new friends at our weekly gatherings. Age BIG @ Home will be back!  Stay tuned or contact us for more details.


Read what participants say about our programs:

"This opportunity enables me to connect with new individuals, some are becoming friends, with individual internet connection during the week. The diverse sessions have sparked me to try new things and to explore new websites. Age Big sparks hope and happiness through connection with this group."

"Just chatting makes us realize we are certainly not alone during this unprecedented time."

"We are a blossoming community of friends who increasingly feel comfortable sharing recipes, what we treasure and who we are. It is through our shared experiences of chats, guest presenters, learning and home play that relationships are building and feelings of aloneness are being dispelled."

Want to keep up with Age BIG? Join our e-newsletter for home hacks, tech tips, upcoming events, and beautiful, creative, & innovative ideas to help you age-in-place!

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All content and images are copyright Nancy Angus, unless otherwise noted. Please ask before using; I'll probably be happy to share!

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